When Do We Step In To Help?

I stood back and watched as he tried to connect the pieces together. So many times his hands slipped and he threw the piece down. But he went to pick it up and tried again. As I walked closer to him he grunted at me which was my sign “to back off”.  It would have been so easy for me to just show him how to click the pieces together. But that was not what he wanted. I watched as he continued to grow frustrated and I continued to wait and to come to the rescue. But whose rescue? Was I saving him from trying and working hard? Was I saving him from learning that persistence has an amazing payoff? Was I teaching him to give up when it gets hard? I held myself back and continued to watch.  Than it happened! I heard the click! His eyes grew bigger and lit up! He stared at his completed connection and than looked at me with a smile that I can’t describe. Everything about him beamed success. If I stepped in he would have never had that feeling. But if he failed that would have been ok too! We teach our kids to do the best they can, we can guide them to not give up. But we cannot do it for them!  Today was a example of grit… one click at a time❤️


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0 Responses

  1. This is so sweet 💙 such a great reminder that we can’t take away or do the hard things for our kids, but we can be there with them! 🥰

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