Wallet Size Pictures

A few days a ago I was at the market and the cashier told me she thought my husband was just in. She asked if I had a picture of him to see if it was him. I automatically took out my wallet and looked though it and found a picture. The cashier and the people in line laughed at me. One person in line said ,”you could have gone on your phone and found a picture faster!”

But you know what…. It never even crossed my mind to look on my phone! A part of my brain went old school, when someone asked to see a picture, I took out a picture from my wallet.

I laughed because like everyone else I have thousands of pictures on my phone. It would have been easy to just scroll through my pictures to find one of my husband and show the person the best one I had. But I decided to take the one out my wallet that had worn out edges and smudges on it.

I remember the days when we ordered school pictures and we had to count how many wallet size pictures were included in the package so we could give them out to all our relatives and closest friends. As my son got older. The school package no longer included wallet size photos…. It included a disc…. Print your own.

There is something special about holding a photo, about putting it in your wallet, about finding it there when you have forgotten where you put it.

The feeling you have watching the picture of the person grow and change, but the memory of that little wallet photo feels like time stands still.


Our world of technology has made things simple, we snap a picture on our phone, we edit it to be perfect, we file it, we keep it stored.

A home should be filled with photo albums to pick up and turn through the pages. Not scrolled with a finger.

Photos should be placed on the walls for everyone to see.

A wallet size photos should be in your wallet, to show next time someone wants to see a picture❤️ Be proud to go old school 👍😀



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