Road Trip Memories

When my son was younger we were so lucky! My inlaws lived a few miles away from us, and my parents were 20 minutes. We never needed babysitters.

But all that changed.  Within a few months of each other, my Mom passed away from cancer and my in-laws moved three hours away to Palm Springs.

My son was able to have spent so much time with his grandparents.  This was going to be a new adventure making sure our trips to my inlaws were consistent and memorable.

Palm Spring became a destination we could not wait to go to.  Visiting grandma and grandpa was always so exciting and full of trip rituals.

On the drive up we had our usual bathroom stops at Starbucks, and we always stopped for a date shake at Hadley’s.



Once we got to their house my son and his grandpa would head out on the golf cart.  We would spend hours fishing in a small pond with sticks and hot dogs, catching and releasing.

The nighttime was filled with late-night swimming and a hot jacuzzi.  Palm Spring was our happy place away from home.

15 years later my inlaws have decided to move back a few miles away from us, which means saying goodbye to our long-distance visits.

The excitement of having them close by filled our hearts.   With joy also comes sadness as we know that our road trip is now an amazing memory.

Palm Springs was more than just a destination to me.  It was at a time in my life where it filled a purpose. I was able to escape with my family in a car for three hours. We talked, we laughed and we spent time together.


Palm Springs tree


No matter if the family is near or far cherish every moment. Teach your kids how valuable these moments are.  Each new day is brand new and exciting.  We will remember yesterday as the most wonderful time.

See you soon Palm Springs.






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4 Responses

  1. Wow.. long road trips with family are really fun!!
    We used to go to a village, 2.5 hours distance from our home.
    But after getting married Im a kind of stucked at home. my husband is a Home-worm, i really miss those days.
    I can feel you.

  2. Wow, the road trips sound really fun. Nothing beats having family close to home. I hope you get to visit Palm Springs every once in a while, it looks so beautiful 🙂

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