My Mothers Chair

Traditions are an important lesson for our children. These traditions do not have to be religious but traditions that are consistent to pass on as they grow older.

A tradition can be something that you create for your family…a wonderful memory they will talk about as they grow older.

As the Jewish holidays just passed Yom Kippur was a tradition that I built with my Mother and Step-Father. Most of my family is now all over the place, but each year I continue to go to Temple every year with my parents. Every year we would meet in front and walk in together saying hello to all the people we had not seen since the following year. Then we would go sit down in the same seats we had been sitting in for probably 30 plus years.

My mother would put her arm around me and smile her same smile and I always knew it was because she was glad I attended. We would look around the room together and talk about all the people we knew. Who had grown, who had new kids, etc?

But the day came, where cancer took my mom.

As the Jewish holidays arrived it was now just the two of us. My stepdad and I.

We walked in saying hello to all the same people we did every year.  We walked to our chairs and sat. This time I sat in her chair. I sunk in her chair. I cried in her chair. But I was in her chair. I felt a sense of peace.

We built a tradition that brought happy memories. Year after year I would have a place to go and sit in my mother’s chair and enjoy our Yom Kippur services together. Even if she was not here.

When we give our children the gift of traditions we leave them with moments to look back on and build upon as their own.

With Covid This year I would not be able to sit in her chair… But that was okay… As I listened to our Yom Kippur service online I closed my eyes ….and there I was in her chair.

Start your traditions whatever they may be. It will be a legacy of love that will continue for generations to come ❤️


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0 Responses

  1. I love this 💗 I want to start & have some traditions with my kiddos around the holidays and throughout the year😊

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