Little Treasures Big Treasures

Today in class one of my boys came up to me with such excitement and opened his hand and told me he found the most beautiful treasure!

When I looked in his palm there was a tiny small orange sparkle that must have fallen off a project from the day before and was left on the ground. But in his eyes it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. I joined in his excitement and told him how lucky he was to have eyes to find such a treasure.

He put it safely on the counter and ran back outside to find more “treasures”. He came back each time with a sparkle and carefully added it to his collection on the counter. He would gently put it down next to the other ones.

On his own he was saw these treasures were special….I could not put that in heart. I gave him an empty plastic container to put them in and you would have thought I gave him a million dollars.

Each treasure he found I saw him exploring our world looking for the good and beauty. Our children see life right now through tiny eyes. As they grow our goal is to continue to guide them to see our world as a big treasure full of love, opportunity, and a lot of sparkle. This day was a treasure that I will not forget.

As we get older we start to lose sight of the real treasures, sometimes it takes a child to remind us that simple treasures are right in front of us.

Don’t forget to look for life’s treasures everyday …. ❤️


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