Learning To Fall

Miss Suzanne blog

Watching our kids fall is not easy. We find ourselves running toward every scrape and cut, large or small, to make sure they are ok. Most of the time with a kiss and a hug most falls are just a scare. But what happens when we are not there to catch them fall?

When my son was younger I remember he had a friend who was fun and fearless. My son was more on the cautious side.  His friend would climb straight to the top of any tree he could. My son would study the tree before going up. He would look at the tree, look at the branches, and was filled with concerns about what could happen.  It took much longer for him to climb to the top of the tree. As soon as he did it. He mastered the art of climbing and jumping everything!

Why did each of them look at this adventure differently? Same tree, same branches….different levels of fears.

Learning to fall is an important lesson.  Each child is made up differently. Fear levels vary in all children some jump in, some stand back.  It is new for them to be exploring and facing uncomfortable situations. From a young age, we must teach them falling is apart of life. Jumping, running, climbing, and yes falling set our kids up for success as adults. It is a sense of accomplishment, not giving up.

As adults, we still need to continue to climb trees.  Once we have finished one accomplishment we need to get back up continue to look for new challenges…….new adventures ……and jump……..and not be afraid to fall.

Our kids teach us to be fearless… What a gift 🎉


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6 Responses

  1. True, we can learn lots of things from kids, the innocence, naughtiness and some time their beavery.

    You have picked up nice niche.


  2. I really liked this post! It was insightful because being a first time mom, you get worried about every little thing and want to baby your baby!

  3. As your kids get older, the “falls” are bigger and much scarier. We as parents must learn to let our children deal with their issues, giving support as we can. It is SO hard to see your adult children suffer. We never stop growing and learning how to get through the trials of life, those we experience ourselves and those our loved ones go through.

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