How Do You Learn Humility?


How do you learn humility?

A few months ago, I was shopping at a CVS Drug Store when I noticed some local high school teenagers putting snacks under their jackets. They were getting ready to walk out of the store.

One of the boys was trying to fit a large bag of cookies under his shirt, and they kept falling out. That did not stop him from sneaking them out of the store without paying.


humility quote


I turned to the young boy and told him I would buy the cookies for him.

He and his friend just smiled at me as I walked to the counter to pay.

I handed him the cookies, “There are consequences when you take something that needs to be paid for. I am buying this for you because I am a mother and would hate to know my son was hungry and needed to take food from a store. Have a good day, and be safe.”

The boys said thank you and skated off.

These were not kids that looked like they needed to steal to get what they wanted.

I don’t understand why they were filling their jackets with items they probably could afford. My heart was breaking as I watched them make their plan to exit the store.

How do you learn humility?



People thought paying for the cookies would make no difference to these kids.

But maybe not.

But maybe, they will stop and think next time they will have a bit of humility next time they reach for something they plan on taking.

Our job is not to turn our checks but to show examples of the right thing.  There are lessons we can teach every day.

I felt good about what I did.

Do what is right….because someone is always watching.






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2 Responses

  1. It is always wonderful to try and send a message or an opportunity to enlighten someone when needed. You never know how they might show up the next time they are confronted with the decision to do something unethical and unlawful
    You amaze me.

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