Diamond In The Rough

My mother-in-law has been through shingles in her eyes, surgery on her eyes, and years of eye pain….yet to me, she still has perfect vision. In a room full of diamonds… my mother-in-law would be able to spot the only one that was real. Her eyes always amaze me. Everyone always thought it was strange that I gave her free range to decorate my home… why not? Her taste was amazing, she loved doing it, and no matter how hard I tried my eyes could not see the vision she could see.



As a teacher I see how early it starts, the push for our kids to excel in areas that their eyes may not be ready to see or able to achieve. My mother-in-law developed her passion and natural ability to decorate over the years. Kids need to experience the joys of childhood, playing, building, jumping, running, laughing, loving. Through experiences, their niches in life will evolve. Some may find it easy to see what they are great at and some will experiment with many new adventures to find their path…. and that’s ok.



I laugh every time I go into a store to buy storage boxes to organize. I am so overwhelmed with the store itself that I usually end up turning around and walking out….and yes calling my mother-in-law for help. We have two eyes, but we see the world differently. We have two hands but don’t use them the same. We have a heart, and we can choose our passion.

We may have one or we may have many destinations. I have always looked up to my mother-in-law for her amazing eyes, and talents. Last weekend she said something to me that I will never forget, “Suzanne, we all find what we are good at, I have the eye for decorating, but you are an amazing writer and that is something I could not do, that is what you are great at.” Those words meant so much. let’s teach our children and ourselves that we are all diamonds in the rough…. 💎💎💎💎💎


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