Build Your Own Civilization

Miss Suzanne

What if you could build your own civilization?  Imagine the things that represent who you are, what would your new residence look like?

A lesson I continue to focus on with my class is the importance of staying true to who you are. With 4-7-year-olds this is a hard concept to grasp, they are at an age where everyone is either a best friend or not a friend. Some kids naturally become part of the group that everyone wants to play with. Other kids struggle to find a place they fit in.

Human nature at any age has us gravitate where we believe is the right place to be.

This week in my book club we read one of my favorite books  Weslandia, Wesley does not fit in with the other kids at school, he does not like the same things they like.

He creates a Summer project to build his own civilization in his backyard. He grows everything he needs, including food, plants, shelter, water source, and fun games.




All the kids from school watch as he develops his magical world and Wesley invites the kids in to join him.

What I continue to emphasize with this story is we are all unique and different. Building our own civilization is building a statement of who we are and how we want to be seen.

We must focus on is cherishing our uniqueness this way we gain acceptance of who we are.

Our Journal project for my book club was to draw a picture of what their civilization would look like.  They came up with all their favorite things and drew their pretend land.


Miss Suzanne


As always, books open our kid’s minds to see, they can be whoever they want to be.


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