What does the word FALL mean to you?

Outside my classroom window is the view of a beautiful large tree. As the Seasons change I have watched it go through many changes.  Rain or shine this tree has stood tall and withstood the world around it.

When I take my class on walks this tree and been a focal point for the theme of many of my lessons.

Because, like us, change is enevitable. We grow, we change, we break, we fall, we grow again, and most of all we continue to stand tall.

During the Fall season it feels like nature reminds us to wake up and look around.  The colors of Spring are ready to rest. We put on our new colors to get ready for new adventures.

Miss Suzanne


What does the word FALL mean to you?

In my toddler class I took my class on a walk to a jungle gym. While hanging from a low bar I had them drop down and FALL. Some accepted the challenge and laughed the entire time. Others, were so scared they came no where near it.

The lesson was that with each FALL we learn something new.

We may learn we are not ready, or we may learn that it was not scary as we thought.

I than took them to watch the leaves FALL.

Some will FALL when it is their time. Others will wait until they are ready.

The leaves danced in the wind as the slowly fell off the trees to the ground.

In my Kids Yoga Class with slightly older kids, I asked the same question, What does the word FALL mean?”


miss Suzanne


The responses included fear of getting hurt.

We decorated leaves with bright colors and discussed how with every FALL, hard or soft, their is a lesson.

We get back up again, and like a tree we stand tall. Forever beautiful and strong.






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2 Responses

  1. Beautifully explained. A sweet walkthrough of this season with innocent thought process of lovely kids with their ever charming teacher.
    Definitely this season is a mark of appreciation for both endings and new beginnings.

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