Why teach kids balance?
At yoga class this morning, I could not hold any posture. With every new pose I attempted, I would tip right over. I found my mind wandering all over. I was analyzing how others were balancing, which led me to tip even more.
Suddenly, I caught myself doing exactly what I was teaching those in my kid’s yoga class not to do.
I was allowing distractions to enter into my practice, and was looking for others to help me balance.
I thought I would do so much better if I could be anyone but me at that moment.
But the reality was that my mindset was out of balance.
Instead, I closed my eyes and remembered the lesson I had previously taught my class.
I became a staking cup, and one by one, I stood up and reminded myself that only I could let my cups fall.
I could balance and complete a successful class when I tuned out my doubts.
Why teach kids balance?
Balance can be achieved not only for the body but also for the mind.
In my kid’s yoga class, we worked on mindful activities with plastic cups.
They stacked cups as high as they could. Some kids screamed when they fell, and it took a bit longer to start over again. Others just picked up and kept stacking.
This exercise showed us that balance can be achieved when we learn to clear the noise around us and focus on what we are doing, to breathe deeply when we are challenged, and always to get back up again.
Life is entirely of beautiful noise. Our kids can learn to balance these sounds while bringing peace and calm to their minds.
My class brought me balance. Not only with cups, but my heart.
3 Responses
Wonderfully said. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you so much!